Broadcasting in vehicular networks has attracted great interest in research community and industry. Broadcasting on disseminating\ninformation to individual vehicle beyond the transmission range is based on inter-vehicle communication systems. It is crucial to\nbroadcast messages to other vehicles as fast as possible because the messages in vehicle communication systems are often emergency\nmessages such as accident warning or alarm. In many current approaches, the message initiator or sender selects the node among\nits neighbors that is farthest away from it in the broadcasting direction and then assigns the node to rebroadcast the message once\nthe node gets out of its range or after a particular time slot. However, this approach may select a nonoptimal candidate because\nit does not consider the moving status of vehicles including their moving directions and speeds. In this paper, we develop a new\napproach based on prediction of future velocity and selective forwarding. The current message sender selects the best candidate\nthat will rebroadcast the message to other vehicles as fast as possible. Key to the decision making is to consider the candidates�\nprevious moving status and predict the future moving trends of the candidates so that the message is spread out faster. In addition,\nthis approach generates very low overhead. Simulations demonstrate that our approach significantly decreases end-to-end delay\nand improves message delivery ratio.